In-House Training

Any public CASTI courses can be presented in-house for corporate clients.

These courses can be delivered remotely using Microsoft Teams—in-person at your facility, or a combination of both—to groups of 10 to 20 people. Visit our homepage for a list of all public CASTI courses.

Specialized In-House Courses (Not Available Publicly)

In addition to the above, CASTI also has "Specialized In-House Courses" that are not offered as public courses (see list below).

BONUS: all CASTI in-house courses can be customized to suit your company's specific training requirements, including using your corporate engineering specifications, inspection/NDE procedures, QC manual, etc.  Connecting-the-Codes© to your staff's daily work!

In-house courses can be planned to accommodate the schedules of your personnel. CASTI recommends planning 6 to 9 months in advance, although shorter-term planning may be possible subject to instructor availability.

To request an in-house course, please complete our In-house Course Request Form (click here) and we will reply within two business days.