CASTI Inspector / Engineer Career Path

This CASTI career development path will achieve the status of a "complete pressure equipment inspector" having obtained:
- CSA W178.2 Level 2 Welding Inspector
- ASME B31.3 Code Endorsement
- ASME Section VIII-1 and IX Code Endorsement
- Alberta Welding Examiner
- AWS Certified Welding Inspector
- ASME B31.1, B31.3 and Section IX Code Endorsement
- ASME Section VIII-1 and IX Code Endorsement
- API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector
- API 570 Pressure Piping Inspector
- API 653 Aboveground Storage Tank Inspector
- Alberta In-Service Pressure Vessel Inspector
- API 571 Advanced Knowledge Certification
- API 577 Advanced Knowledge Certification
- API 580 Advanced Knowledge Certification
Although it is not necessary to achieve all of these certifications to be employed as a welding or pressure equipment inspector, the more certifications one can achieve, the more employable they become.
Note: Qualification requirements for API 571, 577 and 580 have been changed. Applicants are no longer required to be certified in one of the basic API 510, 570, or 653 programs. However, CASTI recommends completing at least one of the basic programs to build a foundation of knowledge prior to writing the advanced knowledge certifications.