Recertification Requirements for API 510, 570, and 653.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What has changed?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities are now part of the recertification requirements for API 510, API 570, and API 653 inspectors. These CPD requirements are in addition to existing recertification requirements for continued inspection experience and the Web Quiz required every 6-years or every other recertification.
What is CPD?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) describes learning activities that inspectors (and other professionals) engage in to develop, maintain, and improve their technical abilities and competency. Training course participation is a prime example of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
What activities are acceptable for CPD credit?
Activities considered relevant by ICP must be directly related to fields of inspection and mechanical integrity assurance. Be aware that actual field inspection time as part of the normal work responsibilities cannot be used for CPD hours. For additional information on what activities are acceptable, click here to view the API CPD Guidance Document.
How many CPD are required?
CPD requirements were phased in beginning January 2023. A full 24 CPDs are now required for certifications expiring on or after January 1, 2025. See the table below:
Recertification Year | Required CPD Hours |
2023 | 8 CPD hours completed within the last 3 years. |
2024 | 16 CPD hours completed within the last 3 years. |
2025 (and beyond) |
24 CPD hours completed within the last 3 years. No more than 16 hours may be from one activity category.* |
How do I submit CPD hours?
You must upload proof of activity to the Education page of your ICP Portal account along with your Recertification application. Fill out the API CPD Activities Form if you have no other form of proof.
Where can I find more information?
For more detailed information about the new API recertification requirements, visit the API website using the appropriate link(s) below.
- Click here for API 510 recertification information.
- Click here for API 570 recertification information.
- Click here for API 653 recertification information.
Additional questions about CPD or recertification requirements?
If you have additional questions about API recertification, contact API ICP Program Support.
telephone: (202) 682-8064e-mail:
How can CASTI help?
CASTI offers several training courses that may be applicable to API 510, 570, or 653 inspectors who want to earn CPD hours. Individuals should choose training courses with topics relevant to their certification(s). Depending on your certification, these may include:
- API RP 571 and ASME Codes Damage Mechanisms
- API RP 572 Pressure Vessel Inspection Practices
- API RP 574 Piping Inspection Practices
- API RP 576 Pressure-relieving Device Inspection Practices
- API RP 577 Welding Inspection Practices
- API 510 ICP Exam Preparation
- API 570 ICP Exam Preparation
- API 653 ICP Exam Preparation